Rare Union Exists. Yet it is not for the faint of heart. It is for those who are committing to holding the flame of faith, in both light and dark places.

Union is the most activating force gridding the Earth with Love and Truth at this time. It is the most powerful and ancient technology that exists on our planet and beyond, which is why it is the most direct pathway to liberation. 


Yet Union is being targeted right now. Illusions run deep, and there are both internal and external sources of warfare, sabotage, and anti-Union technologies that seek to break up the potency of Union.

The truth is my loves, Union is mystical, soul-deep, present in the spiritual and astral realms. And... just as our work of womb descent is rooted deep into the Earth and our physical plane, so is our Union. That means we have to GROUND the mystical aspects of Union into our bodies, wombs and this earth plane, which is a journey that requires us to embrace the most nitty gritty aspects of our shadows and humanness, both collective and personal (and ancestral, let me add).


It is our responsibility as devotional women and keepers of Union, to learn to care for our Union as we would a sacred site. To "sweep the temple" of our union, if you will. We need physical tools, practices, rituals to help ground, protect, and fortify that which we hold truly sacred... love.


This is why my dear sister and magnificent fellow teacher Ginger Kern (@mythic.feminine) and I hosted an exclusive, advanced masterclass that is for women in Union and preparing for Union, to provide both highly energetic and highly practical support in tending to and protecting the sanctity of Union. 


I want to be clear...

TRUE, rare Union exists.

Yet it is our greatest responsibility to birth an architecturally masterful fortress, both within and without, for that powerful union to stand strong as a blessing and devotion to our lives, to God, and to the world.

In this masterclass, Ginger and I are providing a highly energetic transmission on the sacred forcefield, cathedral, and fortress of Love that contains a self-sustaining world of Love in your union. 

We will also be sharing highly practical rituals and routines to use, to "sweep the temple" of your Union- to help you birth and actualize this force field through your heart and womb, sealing energy leaks and fortifying your Union with lover, self, and God. 

This is the missing piece that so many devotional women have yet to embody.

It is our honor to be gifting it to you, and to the collective.

Join us for this deeply soulful, energetic, and practical transmission on Building, Birthing, & Protecting the Pure Architecture of Union, co-led by two women deeply devoted to the Devotional Feminine Arts, championing the Masculine, and protecting Unions in service of Love and Truth.

Whether you're currently in union, or calling in union... you're not going to want to miss this!

Here are some things we will go into in this highly potent masterclass:

  • Why build a "Cathedral of Love"? Based on Godly Union & the value of ideals
  • Encasing the Union in a Holy Orb/Dome for the Birth of the Golden Child (Symbol of the Trinity)
  • The complementary responsibilities of Man & Woman in architecting the Cathedral
  • Inner fortressing: Protecting Union from inner mechanisms of interference & anti-Union technology that exists within ourselves
  • Outer fortressing: Protecting Union from outer spiritual warfare and anti-Union technologies
  • Protecting the astral body in the dream realm and bringing integrity to the subconscious
  • Architecting without fear or over-protection to harness Unified Life Force & electromagnetism
  • Wielding the Sword & Chalice in rightful harmony as innate protective system unifying Oracular awareness and Masculine vision
  • Clearing imprints from the past & nostalgia energetics in service of present & future Union and legacy
  • The power of holding the vision of "towards" versus "against" 
  • Weekly rituals to "sweep the temple" of Union
  • And more...

Course curriculum

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    Cathedral of Love

    • Cathedral of Love Masterclass Replay

    • Weekly Rituals to Sweep the Temple of Union

    • Weekly Rituals to Sweep the Temple of Union (PDF version)